
Ecosystem Services Projects

Ostrya Conservation works with land owners so conservation efforts can benefit both the environment and the land owner. Jamie has led the feasibility, planning, design and implementation of dozens of ecosystem services projects worldwide including numerous voluntary and compliance GHG mitigation projects under various standards (i.e., VCS, ACR, CCB, and ARB). Further, Jamie has contributed technical work supporting environmental project across a wide range of disciplines, land uses, and ecosystems. Jamie is currently working on developing a series of mitigation banks to limit pollutants, including sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus, in rivers throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Jamie has years of experience leading vegetation, soil, and GIS monitoring, as most conservation and ecosystem services projects involve some aspect of field-based monitoring.


Conservation GIS

Geographic information systems (GIS) allow users to pull together various and sometimes disparate sources of spatial data to investigate relationships, trends, and patterns. With over 20 years of experience, Jamie has provided GIS expertise on numerous conservation projects, environmental initiatives, and scientific research programs with the goal of helping people better understand ecosystems and manage natural resources. His GIS work has involved creating new spatial layers, gathering existing spatial data, developing shared online storage solutions, multicriteria analysis, spatial analysis and modeling, and mapping and display of work products.


Forest Inventory and Management

In collaboration with its partners, Ostrya Conservation offers traditional forest inventory and management services. Jamie has a successful history of designing and leading forest inventory work in the US and in developing countries in support of projects looking to generate emission reduction credits by stopping deforestation and/or enhancing onsite forest carbon stocks using various silvicultural strategies. Jamie had led forest inventories on more than 1,000,000 acres in over 10 different countries. In addition to designing and leading forest inventory work, he has led numerous training and capacity building workshops to teach forestry professionals in lesser developed countries about forest inventory which focuses on biomass carbon as opposed to wood volume.


Nutrient Credit Brokerage and Sales

Ostrya Conservation assists landowners with selling nonpoint source nutrient credits to help developers, municipalities, and other Virginia Storm Water Management Program (VSMP) and Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permittees meet state requirements set by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ). Through the sale of nonpoint source nutrient credits, nutrient banks in Virginia finance activities which reduce the amount of nutrients, including phosphorus and nitrogen, entering our local waterways which result in the impairment of rivers throughout the Commonwealth and the Chesapeake Bay.